Friday, April 17, 2009

Schwarze Mädchentraube: Red wine from Romania

Schwarze Mädchentraube 2007 (Original Schwalbenkranz)
So, this is my first try to review a wine! Let's go. This is not the wine I intended to review in my first entry. But tonight I was in the mood for a red wine. This is a remaining bottle of my birthday more than a month ago. It's a Romanian wine. Maybe you can translate (online) the only link in German I have found about this wine. It's a reasonable priced wine (less than 5 Euros if I remember it correctly) and the link says: "'The Original with the Schwalbenkranz' [the label] is produced, with love and care, in traditional Romanian wineries and mirrors 50 years of experience and enthusiasm for Romanian wines." ("'Das Original mit dem Schwalbenkranz' wird in traditionellen rumänischen Kellereien mit Liebe und Sorgfalt hergestellt und spiegelt 50 Jahre Erfahrung und Begeisterung für rumänische Weine wider."). Schwarze Mädchentraube can be translated as "black girl-grape".
Now my attempt of a review. It smells like red fruit/grape juice in the glass. In my opinion it tastes kinda zippy and is a good wine for parties, feasts or nice evenings with friends. Or for any occasion. ;) It tastes fruity-sweet in the beginning (but not too sweet in my opinion) and is dry in the end. A medium-strong cheese (e.g. an Italian cheese produced in the Alps) is a good choice for accompanying the joy of this wine. Cheers! Prost!


Crymson Flower said...

Impressive review! I don't think I've ever had a wine from Romania. I love that the name is translated to "black girl-grape", I think that's intriguing. I also find it interesting that it's a Merlot and as sweet and fruity as it was. It makes me want to try it!

nordwolke said...

I am glad you enjoyed my review. Well, I don't know if this one might be too sweet for you. It's a quite well-known wine around here, the "Schwarze Mädchentraube" in general. I think there are other black girl-grapes from different wineries but all Romanian. I guess they differ in sweetness.

Things to Do said...

I'm totally jealous. I tried to search to see if there was anyone who sold it, but sadly only found on sold on ebay in Germany. Loves the review...jealous.